Scottish Sikhs – The Impact of Covid-19

Click here to access the Covid-19 Impact Survey

If you need any further information, please contact [email protected].

Sikhs have played a significant role during this pandemic, with many working in key worker status roles such as shop keepers/newsagents, doctors and pharmacists to name a few. However no research has been conducted to investigate that impact that COVID-19 has had on the Sikh community within Scotland.

We are asking all Sikhs living in Scotland to fill out a short survey, describing how COVID-19 and lockdown has affected them in different areas of their lives. Once we have collected the results, we will publish the findings in a short report which will be represented to the Scottish Government and other stakeholders.

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes and is anonymous.

Please share this survey link with your wider networks, so that we can gather as much information as possible on this issue.